Saturday, June 14, 2014

Body By Vi Shake Test Day 14...

Weight: 232.2
Flavor of Day: Cocoa

Since I ran out of fresh fruit today, it was cocoa day. It had more of a mocha flavor.

I would had liked to had added fresh fruit instead to add another nutrient boost in my diet,but in my household you work with what you have available in the kitchen.

I think the hubby had the right idea though,to boost the chocolate flavor a little chocolate syrup would had been a nice addition, not necessarily a nutritious addition, but it would had bumped up the
chocolate flavor.

How do you like your shake?

Here are the pictures for today:

223.2 front. Nobody said the pictures would be pretty.

232.2 side, the pictures  are real time.

flavor of the day.

shake mix in

cocoa in

milk and ice in

before the blitz

lunch freezing
I have no Idea what tomorrow's flavor will be, stay tuned to find out. Have a great night.

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