Thursday, June 5, 2014

Body by Vi Shake Mix Test Day Five

Weight: 234 for today

Flavor of the day: Chocolate

Today I tried the chocolate packet in my shake mix. I saw a little progress in weight loss. But as they always say take one step at a time, no matter how small or large. Progress is progress though. As i have mentioned in a previous post i am using this as a nutritional supplement, to help me get less forgetful in getting my nutrients in, the up and down with the weight goes with the territory. Anything that comes off in the process of this blogging is what i consider a bonus. I have noticed improvement in my energy though.

Here are the pictures from today:

weight 234 front

weight 234 side

morning begins with the shake mix and the ninja

Chocolate: flavor of the day

Chocolate packet joins the mix

the ice shows up from the freezer

the lactose free milk made a stop in from the fridge

Before the morning blitz session

After the morning blitz

final product from the pitcher

final product gets frozen!
I have discovered after blitzing if I let it sit for a bit in the freezer, I prefer it like ice cream consistency, especially with how humid and sticky the morning's have been lately.

Well we will see what tomorrow brings.  Later

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