Monday, June 23, 2014

Body By Vi Shake Test Day 23...

This week I am having my shakes at breakfast and lunch this week, with dinner at the end of the day.

The stats for today are:

Weight: 236.8

Flavor of the Day: Green Apple Kool-aid or what I call the Shrek Shake.

2 tablespoons green apple kool-aid added to the mix portion, and 2 cups lactose free 2% milk, and ice, make this shake. May not be nutritionally balanced, but it sure was tasty, and took the chalky taste away. With the green color, it did remind me of Shrek though.

236.8 front

236.8 side

shake mix

 1 T green apple kool aid powder

everyone is chilling out

lactose free 2% wants to play

everyone is getting blitzed

shake chilling in the freezer
Lunch Pictures:

shake mix

2 T green apple kool aid

kool aid powder gets added

again everyone gets blitzed

excess for taste test

shrek cools off in the freezer
We will see what tomorrow brings in Shake land, you never know, what flavor will come out of my kitchen next. Stay tuned to see what is next

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