Tuesday, March 25, 2014

PinkZebra Sugar Cookie Sprinkles Day 7 March 22nd, 2014...

The final day of the Pink Zebra Sugar Cookie Sprinkles test goes on!

In this final day of the Pink Zebra Sugar Cookie Sprinkles, the scent is all but nearly gone, unless you are in the guest bathroom, then as before you can tell the scent.

I have really enjoyed testing this scent though, it has been very interesting to say the least.

Here is a review of the pictures associated with this weeks test:

It is going to be up to the individual taste of the purchaser, if you purchase the sugar cookie sprinkles or not. But if you also purchase a pink zebra warmer, you will be able to control, how strong the scent will be , by how much you put in. For my little generic warmer, it did not take much.

Here is another recipe I found online, that I liked, and I thought I would share the link to:


I hope you have enjoyed the Sugar cookie review and I hope you enjoy the recipe links also. On to the next scent which will be Red Hot Summer. I can tell you , it smells yummy, just from being in the sample bag. On to the Red Hot Summer Scent Reviews!

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