Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Pink Zebra Chocolate Whoopie Sprinkles Day Seven April 5th, 2014

Day seven, the final day of the Pink Zebra Chocolate Whoopie Pie Sprinkles testing.

As I have mentioned before, the scent is keeping the humans happy and the dogs are going nuts trying to figure it out, considering I am not baking anything.

These are definitely the sprinkles to have in the kitchen, when you are not baking, or in a shop where you just need a boost of scent to get rid of the cardboard box smell. There is nothing better than the smell of a Chocolate Whoopie Pie, you can't beat it!

As with the last few postings I have been on a journey to find a chocolate whoopie pie recipe to compliment the sprinkle scent being tested, and here is my final find:

This comes from, and it is for the gluten free friends out there, so they don't miss out on a great dessert.

Have a Whoopie-pie-licious Day, I hope you have enjoyed the postings!

Pink Zebra Chocolate Whoopie Pie Sprinkles Day Six April 4th, 2014

I swear this house could not smell any better. The Chocolate Whoopie Pie Sprinkles are keeping me happy, the hubby happy, and driving our four dogs crazy!

But that aside, it has been an incredible time testing these sprinkles out, and if you are in the OKC and surrounding area, get online and stop by Pink Zebra Consultant Lori Zamorano-Good's site at : and place an order you will not regret it! Pink Zebra will become your new addiction.

So the search continues for a chocolate whoopie pie to go with this weeks sprinkles test, and here is today's find:

This comes from a fellow blogspotter, and I have to say the post looks DELISH ! I may have to try and make this one at some point.

Pink Zebra Chocolate Whoopie Pie Sprinkles Day Five April 3rd,2014

Five days in and the house still smells like a whoopie pie plant. No complaints here. ;)

This truly has been one of the longer lasting scents of the ones I have tested over the last 5 weeks. (Besides the Red Hot Summer Sprinkles from last week.)

I can recommend this scent of sprinkles, especially if you have a choco-holic in the house, and want to drive them nuts wondering what is baking.

But as I have mentioned in previous post, if you need to quash the craving for chocolate, I have been searching online for recipes to do it with, and I have found another doosie! Check it out:

If you are a German Chocolate fan, then this link, will help you with your chocolate whoopie pie cravings.


Pink Zebra Chocolate Whoopie Pie Sprinkles Day Four April 2nd, 2014

The dance of the Chocolate Whoopie Pie Sprinkles from Pink Zebra rolls on, into day four.....

Still no complaints from the hubby which is Fabulous! We may have found him his first scent, that his nose can tolerate, Yeah team!

But , who is going to complain about the scent of chocolate really? No one in this house Fo Sure!

But I know there are a lot of chocolate fans out there, so I have gone in search of a recipe to compliment the scent of sprinkles, and this time this is what I found online to share:

The link is from, for our dairy free friends,so they don't miss out on the fun.


Pink Zebra Chocolate Whoopie Pie Sprinkles Day Three April 1st, 2014

Three days into the Chocolate Whoopie Pie Sprinkle test, and these sprinkles still have my craving whoopie pies. ( And for those that know me I do not normally think of whoopie pies, because of the part of the country I am in.)

If you get these sprinkles, you will be able to satisfy your chocolate addiction, without consuming the calories that go with it.

But if you need to satisfy the craving here is a link to another recipe I found online, that might do the trick:

If triple chocolate from, doesn't do the trick, I don't know what will. These sound DELISH!

Pink Zebra Chocolate Whoopie Pie Sprinkles Day Two March 31st, 2014

There is no better way to kick off the second day of the Chocolate Whoopie Pie Sprinkles test, than to turn your warmer on the first thing in the morning.

It really gets your engine going!

I have been pleasantly surprised that we are the second day into this test, and the scent still smells DELICIOUS!

This is before the warmer got turned on to begin the melting. I tried to do a decent job of spreading  them out even.

So to go with the Chocolate Whoopie Pie Sprinkles, I am going to share a recipe find to go with it. Why should your house smell great, and you not have one to munch on.

So here is my recipe find fro mthe net to go with the  theme:!

Before you go grousing that Red Velvet is not chocolate, I am here to let you know it is chocolate, just died red. This recipe I found on, one of the most trusted sites to find great recipes.

Enjoy your Sprinkles, and Whoopie Pie recipe.

Pink Zebra Chocolate Whoopie Pie Sprinkles Day One March 30th, 2014

As we approach the testing of this final scent of Chocolate Whoopie Pie Sprinkles in the sensory staycation from Pink Zebra, I have to say, these sprinkles have been some of the most interesting scents I have smelled in a while.

I have to thank Lori Zamorano-Good for sending the sprinkles to me to test. It has been an honor for me to test them, and share a bit about this great lady, and what she does.

If you have the chance stop by her page at: , and place an order for a warmer, and sprinkle scent of your heart's desire.  Let her know Nannette sent you.

Any scent you get will be great, you can even create your own, with the sprinkles you purchase, and come up with something custom blended to your sensory palette.

As to day one of the Chocolate Whoopie Pie Sprinkles, I have to say, I saved this scent to drive my chocoholic hubby wild with. There was not one complaint from him about this scent. It kept him extremely happy.

This is what the sample looked like before opening and put into my generic warmer. Boy Howdy! it was a culinary orgasm for the senses!

I can't wait to see what day two brings with this chocolate whoopie pie.WHOOPIE!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Pink Zebra Red Hot Summer Sprinkles Day Seven March 29th, 2014

Well we have finally arrived at the last day of the Pink Zebra Red Hot Summer Sprinkles test.

I have to say for the last day, a bit of the umph came back from this scent when I turned it on in the morning.

It brightened up my morning considerably, and gave me a good start to the day. Of course I did not turn it on till the hubby left for work this time, as to avoid the grumble session.

For testing it for seven days, it has stood up to the test of 1 husband with picky senses, 4 dogs, and one happy wife(me). With all that in my home, I give the Red Hot Summer Sprinkles my stamp of approval, for one of the best I have put through a warmer this winter.

Here is the final red hot themed recipe I found online to compliment our red hot summer sprinkle testing:

If ye are a fan of the grog, then you will love this recipe, on a cold day!

Thank you to Lori Zamorano-Good , Pink Zebra Consultant for providing the sprinkles for testing.
Now onto the Chocolate Whoopie Pie Sprinkles Test!

Pink Zebra Red Hot Sprinkles Day Six March 28th, 2014

As we roll into day six of the Red Hot Sprinkles testing, the scent once again is starting to mellow out and lose its umph.

I have to say after 6 days, I can not wait to see if the umph will pick up for the final day, these sprinkles have been great to test.

For being a mix of red, and while out of the test sack, this has been on of the most vibrantly colored scents I have seen from the ones I have tested.

Here is another Red Hot Recipe from my net exploration, that will compliment this scent as you burn it:

While your Red Hot Summer Sprinkles burn in the warmer in one room, your kitchen can be filled with the scent of red hot cookies. (If you have never tried them, you also might look into instead of a sugar cookie base, making the cookies with a gingerbread cookie base. The red hots really pick up the cinnamon in the cookie mix really well, and soon after that, you will not be able to tell the difference between the scent of the sprinkles in the warmer, and the cookies you just got done baking, and you will be in culinary nirvana. ) On to Day Seven!

Pink Zebra Red Hot Summer Sprinkles Day Five March 27th, 2014

We are up to day five and still  no complaints from the hubby on this scent. For those of you that know me, my husband has a sensitive nose and is very picky, so it is a miracle, when I find a scent that does not drive him crazy.

So far this staycation of the senses has been quite a journey, but well worth the trip, and it did not cost us anything in travel expenses.

The Red Hot Summer Sprinkles take me back to the patisseries along the streets of Paris, France. Especially when you could smell the products being baked with cinnamon in them or on them.

Besides testing them in the guest bathroom, I had the chance to test them in my kitchen for a brief time, and all I can say is I had the yummiest smelling kitchen for the day in my neighborhood.

So, if you have a burner in the kitchen these Sprinkles will make it smell great, even when you are not on a baking spree at the holidays!

On that note here is a Red Hot themed recipe to go with the Red Hot Summer Sprinkles testing, that I thought you might enjoy from my search on the net:

The recipe above could work year around, but especially at the holidays, it could give your cocktail a real kick in the rear. This is just one unique one I found on, which is a great resource.

Pink Zebra Red Hot Summer Sprinkles Day Four March 26th, 2014

Day four of the Red Hot Summer Sprinkles, and the hubby has not complained of the scent yet.

He actually has been surprised by how mild this scent is when melted in the warmer.

Because, when coming out of the sample sack, he said that was actually pretty strong for him, which really did not surprise me too much.

But to have him pleasantly surprised with it after it melted and was on for a bit, was a surprise for me.

As I mentioned in a previous post, instead of repeat pictures, and boring you with those, I decided to find a recipe that fit the sprinkle them being tested, so here is another Red Hot themed recipe that I thought people might enjoy with their Red Hot Sprinkles, scent filling their home:

If you are a fan of Apple butter, then you will enjoy this recipe found on yummly. If you have never had apple butter, this would be a nice introduction to it, while warming your sprinkles in your warmer on a cold day. The scents will blend together, and smell heavenly.

Pink Zebra Red Hot Summer Sprinkles Day Three March 25th, 2014

Well day three of the sensory staycation rolls along with the Red Hot Summer Mix of Sprinkles and it is Rockin'!

I think 3 days in I can safely say without a doubt, this scent will last you a good long while, because it has here in my home.

As to not bore you with repeat pictures, I decided today to see if I could find a Red Hot inspired recipe to go with our Sprinkles test this week.

So the first Red Hot inspired recipe I have found on the internet to share is the following:

Who wouldn't like a Red Hot Baked Apple with a little fresh whipped cream on top or with a side of vanilla ice cream in the summer?

So, while you are enjoying your red hot summer sprinkles, enjoy a red hot baked apple to go with it, and a glass of your favorite beverage.

On to Day Four !

Pink Zebra Red Hot Summer Sprinkles Day Two March 24th,2014

Day two of our Pink Zebra Red Hot Summer Sprinkle  sensory staycation brings to the best smelling scent so far, that has been put through testing.

Even after 2 days, with this being the second, the scent is still going fairly strong, which amazes me to a point.

As mentioned before if you are looking for a great scent to fill your home with, and have people wondering what that great scent is, then the Red Hot Summer Mix of Sprinkles will do the trick.

I wish I could find the picture of the sprinkles before they melted, but here is what they look like again at the end of the evening when turned off and cooled down. 

Even cooled off after turning the warmer off, it still smells great!  Let's see what Day three brings, who knows maybe a favorite red hot recipe from the internet may get posted with the update.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Pink Zebra Red Hot Summer Sprinkles Test Day One March 23rd,2014

If you love the smell of Red Hots, then you will enjoy the Red Hot Summer Mix of Sprinkles from Pink Zebra,

After it has melted and been turned off for the evening and turn solid again, this is what the red hot summer looks like.

You would never think that it started out as a red and white mix of sprinkles before hand.

I do have to say, it really took your senses to those hot summer nights. But this smelled better than those, by a long shot, and made the guest bathroom smell great in the process.

If you are looking for a great sprinkle to give yourself a sensory vacation in the late winter/ early spring this mix does the trick. Your guest will ask you time after time, what smells so great, and you can tell them, and they will ask where you got them.

You can tell them, you heard about it on this blog, and if they ask again, you can refer them to Pink Zebra Consultant Lori Zamorano-Good's site to place their order at:

When you or they place their order, let Lori know Nannette sent you.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Just a Little Note....

I know I am behind in my postings, but I will be getting them updated soon, so please be patient, as the laptop I usually do them on is temporarily out of commission.

Thank You for your patience.