Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Pink Zebra Sugar Cookie Sprinkles Day 4, March 19th,2014......

The 4th day brings on another round with "The Cookie". My guest bathroom has never smelled better. You get a great sensory experience when you actually walk into the bathroom. That is where you can really distinguish it is a sugar cookie scent.

I have noticed my dogs are pretty calm with this, which is amazing, as their noses are so sensitive.

The hubby still syas to him it is not a sugar cookie he knows, but when I got in there for one reason or another, that is the time, I can tell it is a true sugar cookie.

I started burning in the the melter in the morning, and turned it off just before I headed to bed. Which gave it the chance to fill the bathroom with the scent, and a bit of the living room, since I left the door open.

During that time, it did work for a bit, but then once again the scent died down.

There are not pictures to go with this day, because it would be a repeat of the melted one.

So here is a sugar cookie recipe I found interesting online instead, Enjoy! :


On to Day 5.

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